
Friday, February 19, 2010

Star Barn Middletown, Pennsylvania

Looking for one of the most recognizable barns in North America? Look no further than a small suburb outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The Star Barn is easily recognized by its modern Gothic look, adorned with 5 point stars. The stars symbolize hope and good fortune.

Over the years, the land has been owned by war veterans and even politicians. The area consists of 3.1 acres, including a small pond. The Star Barn will soon be relocated closer to the Hollywood Casino, so get a look at this gem in it's natural place, before it's too late.


  1. Oh, man, that is just so beautiful! I can't believe they'd relocate it--that should be an historic crime!

  2. Glad your enjoying. The bigger historic crime would be if they tore it down all together. The neat thing is when they tear it down and rebuild they will use all the same tools available when the barn was built.
