
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Curse of Antes Fort, Pennsylvania

There are a number of homes in the Antes Fort area that the locals swear are haunted. Maybe it's not the homes that are haunted, but that the area's cursed.

Originally the land was used by the local Andaste Indian tribe until their chief, King Wi-daagh advantageously sold the region to emissaries of William Penn. A column from the former state capital building has been placed along a nearby river bank to commemorate the event. In a protest to the erroneous deal, the chief has vowed to haunt the land. Autumn time visitors often witness a ghostly mist appearing off the waters of the nearby Wi-daagh springs.

Another rather disturbing tale involves the towns founder. The tale states that shortly after the Revolutionary War, Colonel Henry Antes engaged in an early form of biological warfare. The Colonel purchased blankets from the Harrisburg area, which he then donated to the local Native American tribes in the area. His generous deeds were actually an act of malevolence. The donated blankets were actually full of the infectious small pox bacteria. This led to the untimely death of many of the local natives. The Chief of the nearby tribe vowed revenge, the lost vengeful spirits who were innocently murdered may not have rested since.

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