Saturday, July 7, 2012

Community Bridge Frederick, Maryland

As you approach the community bridge in Frederick, Maryland you notice the natural beauty that adorns this structure. Ivy has begun to crawl up the old stone walls. The rock from the walls have colored and weathered over the years giving each a unique look. But the closer you get, the more you notice something amiss. This old stone structure is actually a piece of art. The artist spent 5 years creating the mural using ideas from 100's of local residents. The artist used an art technique called trompe l'oeil, which means "deceive the eye." In September 1998 the artist unveiled his work of art to the community. Since then the locals have embraced their bridge, while the tourists have been being tricked into admiring art.  Learn more about the artist here.

1 comment:

jenny said...

Thank you for sharing so many photos, they are so beautiful and touching my heart!